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Fitness Shop

Air Bike (no sweat guard)-1000x1000
Air Bike 2 (no sweat guard)-1000x1000Air Bike 4 (for both)-1000x1000

Attack A1 Air Bike




The Air Attack Bike is the ultimate high intensity training tool in any gym, CrossFit, performance centre or even at home. It combines all the features you traditionally find on an air bike with a high quality robust design.

The dual-action design attacks both your upper and lower body to achieve a complete body workout. The durable fan-resistance provides you a smooth ride while incorporating a unique resistance experience to challenge your stamina and strength. The more resistance you want, the faster you must pedal making it the ultimate workout machine.

For further information send an email to info@fitart.com.mt, call on +356 79206517 or visit www.fitart.com.mt